The Ultimate Guide to Ten-Pin Bowling Scoring

There’s no thrill quite like bowling. Whether you’re having fun on a girls’ night out or playing in a competitive league, understanding the ten-pin bowling scoring system is essential for getting the most out of your game. 

Our handy guide will break down the system in a way that is fun, simple and packed with tips to elevate your game.

How Do Scores Work in Bowling?

The scoring system is a clever mix of strategy, skill and a little bit of maths. 

Each game consists of ten frames and the aim is to knock down as many pins as possible in each one. The score is calculated from how many pins you hit over, but you can gain bonus points from strikes and spares.

Understanding Strikes, Spares and Open Frames 

For newcomers, some of the most common questions are about understanding bowling terms and how the scoring works. What’s the difference between a strike and a spare? How many points do they earn? Learning the basics—like how a strike gives you 10 points plus the pins from your next two throws, or how a spare adds the pins from your next throw—can make the game more enjoyable and help you improve your score. Once you’ve got the terms down, you can focus on technique and strategy to take your game to the next level!

How Many Points is a Strike in Bowling?

Strikes - (marked as ‘X’ on the scorecard - are when you knock down all ten pins on your first roll. This earns you ten points, plus the pins you knock down in your next two rolls. 

How Strikes are Calculated:

Frame 1: Strike! (X) - all ten pins knocked down

Frame 2: Three pins (first roll), five pins (second roll)

Frame 1 Score: 10 + 3 + 5 = 18

Frame 2 Score: 3 + 5 = 8

Total After Two Frames= 18 + 8 = 26

What is a Spare in Bowling and How is it Scored?

Spares -(marked as ‘/’ on the scorecard - is when you knock down all 10 pins within two rolls in a single frame. Score a spare and you will get 10 points added to your score from the next roll. 

How Spares are Calculated:

Frame 1: Spare (/) - 10 pins knocked down

Frame 2: Four pins (first roll)

Frame 1 Score: 10 + 4 =14

Frame 2 Score: 4

Total After Two Frames= 14 + 4 = 18

How is an Open Frame Scored in Bowling?

An open frame is when you don’t knock down all of the pins within the first two rolls, scoring neither a strike nor a spare but collecting points for the total pins knocked down instead.

How Open Frames are Calculated:

Frame 1: Six pins (first roll), Two pins (second roll)

Total Score After One Frame = 8

Luckily you don’t need to be a maths wizz to understand the scoring system as it’ll all be automatically calculated for you as you go along. Thank goodness for technology! 

Bonus Points and How They’re Calculated

Bonus points are what makes the ten-pin bowling scoring system so competitive and exciting. After a strike, your next two rolls are added to the frame’s score. After a spare, only your next roll is added. 

The 10th and final frame is the most important of the game. You can roll up to three times if you score a strike or a spare, giving you one more chance to get an edge over your competitors! 

Why is Scoring Important in Ten Pin Bowling?

Knowing how to score in bowling is important in ten-pin bowling because it allows you to strategise to maximise your points. Score-keeping also helps keep track of your progress and adds a little friendly rivalry to the game.

Bowling Scoring Tips 

Whether you’re heading to bowling for a birthday party, work night out,  or playing competitively with a team, there are a few handy ways to maximise your score. 

How to Improve Your Bowling Score 

Whether you’re heading bowling for a birthday party, work night out, or playing competitively with a team, there are a few handy ways to maximise your score. To improve  your bowling score you have to start by mastering strikes and spares:

  • Aiming for strikes: Focus on hitting the pocket (between the front pin and the one behind it). Keep your release smooth, and arm straight and add a slight curve for better pin action.

  • Scoring spares: Did you miss a strike? Adjust your stance to target the remaining pins. Precision and controlled shots can save your score.

  • Nailing the 10th frame: Stay focused, it can decide the game. A strike or spare here earns extra throws to boost your total.

Putting it into Practice

Now that you know how bowling scores work, it’s time to put them into practice! Trust us when we say it’ll make it even more satisfying to play. 

Whether you’re Hollywood Bowl is the place to be for fun, friendly competition and unforgettable memories. Find your nearest centre to book your next game of bowling today - calculator at the ready!

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